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RE Above: Space Development Corp Reg-CF Forum
2025-01-16 21:09:37
RE Above: Space Development Corp Reg-CF Forum

Hello Above Space team,
I would just like to get an update on the plans for those of us who were apart of the inistial investment funding on net capitol. What are the plans for the stock? What is the current projected value of a stock? When can we expect to see returns on our investments?
Thank you for you time, I look forward to the responce.
-William (1000 shares.)

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RE: RE Above: Space Development Corp Reg-CF Forum

I have a few questions:

1) I found some information indicating Common Stock shares have been merged or exchanged, resulting in fewer shares, with higher share value, giving the same total as the original purchase.
a) Is this correct?
b) What would be the purpose of such a move?
c) Does this affect the investment level for qualification to be in the running for winning a passenger seat to the low earth orbit Gateway, as offered by OAC in its initial investment drive?

2) How can I tell the current value of my common stock shares purchased via Net Capital?

3) How often do share offerings and purchased share value information get refreshed?

4) I don't see any responses to the other forum posts. Are they responded to privately or are responses to posts also to be visible to the rest of the forum participants and no responses have been posted?

5) How frequently are forum posts monitored and/or responded to by Above?

6) Considering it took me almost 4 years to discover this forum, I'm not surprised to see only 2 posts on it, as others probably experienced the same delays. When was this forum first published?

7) Would it be a good idea to show a view count on each forum post, so we can get a feel for the activity level of the forum?
a) Would it be a good idea of like and dislike as well as "follow" buttons at each post?

8) Since OAC became Above, it seems the website no longer covers the original orbital construction robots. Also, I no longer see the construction animation video for the large enclosed ring orbital gateway project. Those were the most interesting points that inspired me to invest. What has become of those projects? They seem to have been superseded by lesser projects and on a longer timeline.

9) Have I misunderstood the upcoming/current lunar mission to be merely placement of artwork on a lander? What is the actual purpose of that mission and what are the expected benefits to the company and its investors?

10) At which stage of the graphically illustrated trajectory does Above expect to begin profiting from its services and/or equipment?

11) When will Above launch actual equipment (drones/robots) and supplies for space trials and in-situ demonstration of orbital space station construction technologies? This seems to have faded away from the current information.

12) I noticed that about the same time as NASA started calling their lunar orbital station the Lunar Gateway, OAC/Above seems to have dropped the use of the name Gateway from its illustrations, opting for greek names for its smaller stations. Is this a conscious move to differentiate Above's future space stations from other orbital platforms, or maybe a move to add culture to its public image to attract more investments, or maybe both?

Ken Whitmore
[email protected]
RE: RE Above: Space Development Corp Reg-CF Forum

I would also like to have an answer on this question having invested at roughly the same time. There is very little detail on the investor dashboard such as what class and value of stock do our share equate to?